Green Olives With Sweet Pepper per Kg are green olives stuffed with sweet pepper that add a perfect salty-sweet balance to the olive's strong and salty flavor. Delicious to eat at anytime.
About The Brand
Spinneys offers a wide selection of local and imported cheeses, which are sure to satisfy cheese lovers. This variety also includes vegan cheeses, for shoppers who prefer lactose-free products. Make sure to specify the way you prefer your cheese, from sliced to shredded our experts are ready to welcome your order.
While we strive to obtain accurate product information, Spinneys makes no representations or warranties of any kind about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of any product information. It is highly recommended that customers, before buying, using or consuming, always read labels and refer back to the physical product for accurate warnings, directions and other information provided. Actual weight may vary depending on product configuration, seasonality and other factors. All prices on this application are subject to change and provided only for reference. For additional information about the product, please contact our Customer Service Team. Thank you for choosing us.